Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the tag “Hope”


The sun shall rise on days that it’s coldest
The warm rays will peak out over the mountainside
To shine its light upon your head
And just when your thinking nothing can get better
The sun shall encompass you in all its glory.
There may be dark days but the sun will always rise.

The Story of the Old


My joints don’t work,and my hip hurts

The old bruises are of my past.

Never once had I thought

That my youth would never last.

I wasted my time upon this earth

Wishing that I had done more with my worth

For my talents lie, in how I touch the sky,

And yet the blindness of childhood took me.

I get out of bed, not once, but twice,

For I’ve fallen and can’t get up.

The bruises on my back are so old now,

But yet, my memories are worse.

There is nothing on this earth

That can make it all better,

Once you’ve wasted away.

So go my loved ones,

Take care of yourself,

Before your bruise becomes your crutch.

My back is fine, my ailment- age,

And my true spirit now lies in the day.

If only I had known that love is what had grown

When we do it God’s way.

I smile now, as I see you there,

Dressed all pretty and nice,

And yet I frown, inside somehow,

Stressing on how you’ll waste it away.

So go my young ones, fly above the trees,

And soar to what you believe,

It’s in your heart, forever marked,

The job that really does please.

I can’t stress it enough my children,

that you worry and bash too much,

And instead of fighting

Over your whining

Just take to steps, and jump.

You move much quicker than I do now,

The old turtle that I am,

But too fast do you fly by the rose,

That helps you appreciate the sky.

Love, and be merry,

From within the heart it starts,

The treasure of all that begins.

For upon the door of your heart,

Is the century of life that wins.

Goodbye my children,

My little ones in thought,

And know this one thing.

The next time you fly by the door,

You may never see the wind.


Once Upon an End

There is one thing I would like to say to you before you go.images (2)

It’s not fair that we have to end on different shores.

But it is what it is,

And as far as you will allow to know,

there is no other way,

but to say

“No more”

So a long this separate path that I so choose,images (2)

I’m going to give hell to you.

Tell you the truth of everlasting love.

Peace on earth that is made from up above.

You have changed, and that is fine,

but believe me when I say goodbye,

for within my heart you have stayed,

but now my epiphany of love fades.

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“Once upon a time’s” have to end.

And if it is now, so be it, and mend.

The mend of my broken heart has already taken place,

And I need no fixing to move on in this race.

The race of life that we are living,

Slowly times flows, and yet it’s still ticking.

My place shall be with love all around,

And if you are with her, that is your mound.

My love is already here,images (2)

It just takes practiced eyes to see it clear.

In the warmth of my heart for all around.

I share my love with everyone found.

Take care my friend, for there is always goodbye in the end…

But it’s new beginnings when you know, You shall meet again.

A. Willow

Tortured Smiles

There’s one thing in this world that I can’t understand…

After pouring your heart out,

showing love to all the world,

and smile everyday,

past the hard times

and dark times that seem to overwhelm you…

why is it that you can never find love?

I’ve tried to get over one man- it hasn’t worked.

I’ve tried accepting my love and show him- I only get hurt.

And when he finally is here, and I want to be with him,

just as a friend-

he avoids me.

I don’t deserve this torment.

I’m crying inside, one second, and maybe the next,

but I put on a smile and stop myself from crying.

I’m hurting and yet happy,


I need to tell him everything,

and he won’t listen,

he won’t give me the chance.

Maybe he knows,

maybe he’s doing it on purpose.

All I know is that I must be patient

and hide the pain until after we meet.

Once I let my heart and soul pour out,

I know I’m either one step closer to finding love,

or more than likely, one step closer to moving on.

But here in this vacant stage where I’m waiting,

Waiting to tell him.

Waiting for him to see me.

It’s killing me inside…

And yet, I still smile.

The Calling of a Saint

There are a lot of things in my life that I’m unsure about. I used to toss and turn over the problems I face, thinking that I’m doomed if I make the wrong decision, or that I would be hated if I didn’t pick the right one.

I always thought about people, about what they wanted. “Do the other girls at school think I’m a dork for wearing this?” or the classic, “I wonder if that guy over there thinks I’m cute… no my hairs a mess today. I shouldn’t let him see me.” Or the possible, “If I do this, my family will think I’m a failure and/or hate me.”

There are many things that used to go through my mind that repeated the same rhythem…”what does everybody else think?”

Now, I can say I never think about that when I’m making my own decisions. I wear what I want to wear because it suits me or is comfy…I picked it out for a reason. I don’t worry about what I look like when I meet a cute guy, I just smile and know that’s more than enough to attract the one I’m looking for. And with my family, they just have to accept who I am, and if they can’t then that is their dilemma, and I can’t do anything to change their minds. But I never allow it to affect me.

Here is a prime example:

Yesterday, while visiting my 8 month pregnant sister, I came across a problem. I confessed to her, about the guy I’m in love with, told her I was going to finally confess to him why I love him and for how long.

She glared at me. She told me, “You don’t know what love is. You have to be with someone and know their bad side and good side in order to love someone. Your just desperate and looking for someone right now.”

A year ago…I would have agreed. I would have said, “Yeah, your probably right.” But now!!! I was devastated. This is my sister, telling me I wasn’t in love with someone….do you know how long and hard I have focused on my inner self? I have listened to sin, I’ve followed lust, I even met jealousy once a week for coffee. There have been plenty of times that the demons of Hell (!!!!!) came to visit me and dragged my soul down to hell with them, even though my body stayed on earth.

I’ve been tempted by the devil, and tortured by his thoughts…but I’ve stopped. Don’t you see, I have messed up just like every other person in this world. I’ve thought about being selfish, I’ve hated others for what they had and I didn’t have, and I fell into a state of depression for over a year….and how do you think I came out of it?



……Don’t tell me, that I don’t know who I love. Don’t tell me, that I don’t know HOW to love. And most certainly do NOT tell me that you know more about love than me.

My soul…it’s been searching for the key to life, and I’ve found it. I finally have. It’s by living through love and by love every day. It’s by FEELING, and not thinking, not judging, just FEELING what is right. I know now what I must do with my life, without pressure because I choose to do the things that I love, I choose to follow my heart every day. I don’t pick apart my brain wondering what will happen. I can’t anymore.

And for her to tell me that I don’t love someone…it broke my heart in two. My own sister telling me what I can or cannot feel. What is fake to her is certainly real to me.

I love this man and always will. I know this not because I’ve thought about how awesome he is (And he is pretty awesome), but by feeling what is right. Light surrounds me when I am with him. Warmth flutters through me when we are both as real as can be. Fake is what makes us feel those other things. Love is what sets us free, and I’m finally admitting to him that I love him.

I already know I will be denied….at first. I’m expecting it. I feel that too. For he doesn’t want to open up because he’s scared that someday…I could be his world. That there is a life better waiting for him than the one he’s living now. And he’s scared that he might actually deserved to be fully loved back.

(I’m real darling. One hundred percent. Every moment I am with you. I am yours.)

Love isn’t something you can think about. It’s a feeling you get that words can’t possibly fully describe. Your mind can’t understand love my dear sister…and you most certainly can’t tell if someone is in love by using your mind….

Use your heart. When you see a couple in love…you don’t think, “Well this is why and blah blah blah….”, no, the next time you see someone in love, and you know its true….its because your feeling it too. You feel their love, that is SO GREAT, rushing off of them and leaking on to you. And when you see that couple you begin to think “I want what they have”…but only because you felt it.

I am so tired of people telling me that I’m obsessed with writing, that I’m only “in love” with him because he’s the only guy I think is perfect, and how everyone sees me as this mess up who goes with the flow way too often.

Everything I described up above is because of love, and nothing else matters.

I love you all, and please forgive me for my shout out. My heart was hurt for only but a moment, but it is fully working now. Without it, I couldn’t have written this post.

A. Willow10458798_348037708677271_6632322941130318052_n (1)

The Coffee Stop


Sometimes all we need is a cup of hot coffee, a warm fuzzy sweater, and a friend that understands who you really are.

I’ve always been addicted to coffee shops. There is something so raw and real about talking in depth about a persons life. You just want to let everything out, and in that little haven, it seems like all your problems might just disappear.

Today, I met with an old friend, who coincidentally was free at the same time I was. We talked for a few hours and we let everything off of our plate, and I began to realize how important it is to have a friend that understands you, understands your past, and accepts who you are trying to be.

Releasing all of the pent up energy, and talking among yourselves, is one of the most therapeutic things you could do for yourself.

It’s like a magical spell is being cast. One of relaxation of the nerves, and the stresses that you’ve faced before walking into the doors of the cafe.

Good friends are hard to come by, and so when you find someone who understands you and where you want to go. Never let them go. We need company, and without a helping friend to talk to, we can be lost, and never realize how stressed we really were.



When we LIVE our lives

Great accomplishment comes when you are happy. The sky above seems to bow down to you. The strangers on the street smile. There is no dark corner in reality….just the bliss of life.


How can we be like this? Always smiling, always looking at the bright side and seeing the beauty in life.

The secret is easy.

Love comes our way when we open our eyes, the songs of sorrow leaves and fades, can’t you see, its within you to change. article-new-thumbnail-ehow-images-a02-4t-oq-get-relaxed-before-bed-800x800

Just feel your heart beat and know it is because of love. You were born into this world with the greatest power this world knows.

Love and love everything around you. The darkness that has consumed you in the past doesn’t stand a chance. Feel the soul next to you, and realize….that they are a being of love.

Once you accept your heart and release ALL of your love into this world. That is when you become happy, that is when everything seems to be okay, and THAT is the trick to living our lives.

Are you ready to live?


Life is something that we are living, right now, in this very moment. It wasn’t yesterday, or tomorrows journey that truly matter.

Life is a question that we all must face. Is this the life I want to live? Is this where I want to be?

So many times have I changed my perspective on life, and fully accepted “what is” instead of “what could be”.

Life isn’t a mystery to unsolve, its a journey of taking one step at a time.

Leaving your mark on the past, it does change the life you live now, but it doesn’t define you.

Take a chance in the moment, and dare to step off the path you have wandered for so long now.

Is that life different than the life you would have lived staying on the same path?

Yes…yes it is.

3593742385_48a098291eSo today I came up with my own question. What do I want to do…or rather….what does my heart want to achieve. I love people, and helping others, but my heart is still in love with the idea of writing books. I want to show the world that there is no need to fear. That love overpowers all others, and with the Light in your heart, you can accomplish anything. No matter your status, no matter how horrible of a life you’ve experienced previously. The YOU that you imagine yourself to be is only made from your own perception. You need to change that perception to loving all of yourself, loving all around you, and knowing that you can do anything.

We create our own future by living in life, right now, in this very moment. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but today. Love is the answer to everything, and until you see that, or rather FEEL the love, you will never be where you want to. You will never truly be happy. And I know, deep down within my loving soul, that all of us, even you, were meant to live a full loving life with light guiding you home.

I don’t know when I should step off the path, but the future doesn’t matter. Right now, I’m stepping, creating a new trail, and leaving only love in my tracks.


A. Willow

Road of the Cursed



The sands of time whip past my face.

Nothing matters in this race.

All I’ve had,

And All I’ve known,

Are gone now,

On this broken road.


I feel the course sands sink deep

FootprintsinDesertSand-long goodbyeDrowning my heart as we speak.FootprintsinDesertSand-long goodbye floio

Your lips so close,

But all I can do,

Is stare blankly right at you.


You’ve lost all cause,

All the emotions of the just,

And you sit there staring,

Wondering if I’m marring.

Can’t you picture this world without,

Cause and grief,

And feelings of doubt.

Nothing compares

To those blank stares,

Of ever lasting peace…

That is no there.


Take two more steps down that road,

Then ever before.

7696252_f260For if you take two more,7696252_f2604

Its one more than back.

We flit along this challenged path

Wondering how on earth

We are where we’re at.

And yet we curse the day we try

Because of heaven in the sky.

They hurt you so by leaving you dry

Filled with nothing but empty eyes.


Sore is the ways,

Of heaven says.

Nothing matters on the road these days.

You watch as they go,

Amongst the clouds

Entering a world,

Up there,


And yet you mock the very soul,

Wishing to be a part of that brow.

You suppress the being within you dear,

Even though its very clear.

hearts1Your souls want lovehearts1,

That’s all you need,

In order to survive,

The very greed,

Of the earth that’s swallowed humanity

So don’t let go unless you ARE insanity.


You see what you want,

But can’t comprehend,

Your own souls on your beds.

You sleep and dream of beautiful doors,

And yet, these doors you ignore.

So stand tall, and take a final stand,

And deplore your reprimand.


Tell God all the hurt,

That you are feeling,

Even if it’s short.

For upon this earth you are alone,

Unless you are filled with love

And a divinity like a flying dove.

Don’t caste out the sorrow,

Embrace it in the morrow.

It shows that you care

And want something more.

So love all creations

And feel what’s in the air.


Follow to the End

We are meant to live a life full of happiness, joy, and lots of smiles, but where do we get lost along the way? It seems, at least, for most close-up-woman-smiling-natural-big-smile-142019079-opt-400x295Americans, our smiles have been taken by stress, and our joy taken by work. When is enough, enough?

You know, sometimes you have to take a look at your life and realize what is the most important thing. Yes, bills have to be paid, but does what you’re doing make you happy? Are you truly enjoying, with all your heart, what you have chosen for a career? I say let go of your mind for just a few minutes and dive into your heart. Let it out of it’s box that you constantly put it in and allow it to flow out and enter your entire being.

What is it that your heart wants to do, to change in your life? Is it your  job, your family lifestyle, or maybe your relationship? Just look deep into it, and know that we are meant to follow where our hearts go. It can be hard at times, especially if you don’t frequent on these inner growths….but it isn’t far away.

My lesson for you today, is to embrace the love you have hidden from others and yourself, and realize what is going to make you happy. Change can be scary, but regrets are forever. Don’t hold onto the past, let go of what can’t last, and know that if you follow your heart through…you will be rewarded with happiness at the end.

I love you all,

A. Willow


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