Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the tag “New year’s resolution”

New Beginnings

f09370702967f000690f6a7067006df1Today is the first day of 2015, a year I plan on being powerful.

For so long I have dwelled in the past, and thought constantly about the future, but when you do that you lose focus on the NOW.

2015 is here and it will only be here for another 364 days. Each moment of this year I plan on making a change.

I don’t have new years resolutions because I know the growth comes from within, and you don’t need a resolution.

It’s a shift. Molding my new life with my hopes and dreams of what my heart wants to do.

I won’t give up hope that there is someone out there for me, and I believe this is the year.

I won’t give up my dreams of becoming a published author, and I believe this is the beginning of my writing career.

There is no set time in when things are SUPPOSED to happen, only when you get up, and work for what you beilieve in is when magical things will begin to happen.

Believe my fellow followers, that is the first key in changing your life.

Changing your year,

Changing you day.

Good luck in 2015, I’m already loving every second of it.

A. Willow

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