Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the tag “Poem”

The Ways of Rain

Tears fall like clouds of sorrow,

Raining down upon my head.

All I want is to burrow.

Beneath the earth I should be safe,

And Yet, there is hate.9256174283_87d1487679_b

Inside thyself I feel the pulse

Of something Other that just wants to burst.

“Stop” I cry, “Stop it now!”

But its too late,

My heart soars to the sky.

There I see the sorrow in me,

And upon the heavens that did look down.

They sing, “My child, my child, why do you go about

Hating yourself and filling with doubt?”

I smile back at the angels above,

“I’m human, there is no other way.”

They look at me and laugh their beautiful song,

“Love is the way of all things this day.”

Without another word they send me back down,

To the place where I can be found.

Both between Heaven and of Hell.

Now I see my ways,

Now I see me.

And That my friends is how I came to be

Loving in all ways,

Including the love of me.

If I Could Fly


I wonder…

If I was able to fly. Where would I go?

Would I climb higher than the trees,

Or pass the shores?

The view from up above

I’m sure is nothing but serene.

But the thing I look forward to

Is having wind beneath my wings.

To lift higher and higher without a care to fall,

Now that is something I dream of.

Something I want in all.


But flying is possible in a different sense,

But all of us are scared to fall,

So it doesn’t make sense.

We choose to stand on our ground

Unwavering from our view.

So I sit here wondering what if,

when all I need is to Do.

Same Old Song — Carry On

Not much to say, besides…watch out for yourself.

You’re grow’n up fast, faster than most.

We can’t live the same life,

We never could’v been stress free.

So let go of your troubles

And bow down to the wind.

For it will carry you

Upon faith’s wing.


The Restless Dreamer

My hopes and dreams are keeping me up this night. I don’t know when or where these great things will happen, but I know, they shall come. For I embark on a journey of the heart, and soon, I shall play a part, in a play that I had wrote, a millenia ago in remote.

It is not for dreamers to wander endlessly, among the clouds of bliss alone. Instead  it is a doers desire, to conquer the fears of the unknown.

To die, to live, or to perish none other, than with a mighty hand that you can muster. I know I can, and I will indead,

Make my dreams a reality.

Goodnight to all you restless souls,

Someday your world will change

Someday, you’ll be whole.

Late is the Hour

4821990613_b77a92ab40_bLate is the hour, from which I stand,

and yet, sleep does not take me to its land.

I curl upon the shores of my bed,

Dreading the time,

Wishing I were dead.


Then a note sounds in the distance,

I hear a stranger noise- insistent.

The bells are tolling,

And ringing in my head

No other form of worry

but dread.


For the time is late, and the bell keeps tolling,

Forcing my brain to spin in a jury.

Arguments arise, as I try to shut my eyes,

And yet no agreement shall come to rise.

The battle begins as I scream and shout

“You’re doing it wrong,

Now just shut up!”

Yet their voices shout back in my head,

never dulling for the words I spent.


Hours pass, or maybe days,

yet the night is still dark

like a haze.

The bells have stopped,

the yelling ceased,

and yet I’m exhausted.

I think it’s time to sleep…

Moon Shine

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It’s been a long time since I talked to you.

Yes, we talked only a few months ago, but I mean really talk.

The last time we were fake, you and I, I couldn’t handle the truth and you denied it.

So why did you come at my door?

Was there something missing you were looking for.

I had this feeling, that you were waiting for me,

to open up, and let out my agony.

But I didn’t.

I wish I had.

Did I ever tell you how much you mean to me?

And not to mention the jealousy?

When I see you together, I can’t help but to think,

How I wished you looked at me.

It was that first time that killed me,

and there after, only wounds.

But never shall I be the same again,

I visited the moon.

For in the darkness, you were a light,

that shined so brightly, but it was never right.

For you see her, and I am nothing but dim,

An emptiness in the corner, nothing.

So I wait for the day, that I become your moon,

And I doubt it will come any time soon.

Will I wait for you that long?

Coming to my door?

I’m not sure.

For if another comes, and I can be happy,

I might just take it.

Never have I wanted

A life taken for granted.

If you don’t hurry, I might be lost,

but my heart is always yours,

no matter the cost.

Sooner or later, I know you’ll see me,

but will my moon still be shining on you,

instead of on me?

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