Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the tag “Sorrow”

The Ways of Rain

Tears fall like clouds of sorrow,

Raining down upon my head.

All I want is to burrow.

Beneath the earth I should be safe,

And Yet, there is hate.9256174283_87d1487679_b

Inside thyself I feel the pulse

Of something Other that just wants to burst.

“Stop” I cry, “Stop it now!”

But its too late,

My heart soars to the sky.

There I see the sorrow in me,

And upon the heavens that did look down.

They sing, “My child, my child, why do you go about

Hating yourself and filling with doubt?”

I smile back at the angels above,

“I’m human, there is no other way.”

They look at me and laugh their beautiful song,

“Love is the way of all things this day.”

Without another word they send me back down,

To the place where I can be found.

Both between Heaven and of Hell.

Now I see my ways,

Now I see me.

And That my friends is how I came to be

Loving in all ways,

Including the love of me.

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